
Which kind of new experiences and new interactions could occur when crafts, education and design perform outside their common practice? What kind of expansions could be obtained if those three areas are interacted within each other? Could crafts have a potential for our post-industrial era instead of being seen as a pre-industrial form of production?
Such questions will be the starting point of the ZET Conference, the final event of the Masterpiece Beyoglu Project*, and aims to bring craftsmen, apprentices, design students, tutors and international speakers on the subject of Crafts, Education and Design. The conference is going to have three main parts. The first day is going to be allocated for the official opening and a film screening. The second day is going to begin with presentations of Karin-Beate Phillips/ British European Design Group / Save Our Skills, Sabine Voggenreiter/PASSAGEN- Design Quartier Ehrenfeld, Nicoline Dorsman/ Design Academy Eindhoven FORUM Department, Zissis Kotionis/University of Thessaly, Post Industrial Design Master Program, Asli Kiyak Ingin/Made in Sishane, Istanbul Bilgi University, Can Altay/Istanbul Bilgi University about different experiences and practices on Crafts, Education and Design. Such examples are aimed to contribute to the innovative perspective of the project. The second day of the conference is going to continue with the ZET Forum. At the first part of the forum different actors of the projects will share their experiences and evaluate the process. At the second part participants and speakers will join the discussion on evaluating the project steps and topics mentioned at the conference. All the talks which are held during the conference will be published in the Masterpiece Beyoglu Book.
Thursday, 23.06.2016
- 17.00-17.30 Registration
- 17.30-18.00 Screening 'Masterpiece Beyoglu'
- 18.00-19.00 Opening Talks
Friday, 24.06.2016
- 10.00-10.30 Presentation / Karin-Beate Phillips, British European Design Group / Save Our Skills
- 10.30-11.00 Presentation / Sabine Voggenreiter, PASSAGEN / Design Quartier Ehrenfeld
- 11.00-11.15 Discussion
- 11.15-11.30 Coffee Break
- 11.30-12.00 Presentation / Nicoline Dorsman, Design Academy Eindhoven FORUM Department
- 12.00-12.30 Presentation / Zissis Kotionis, University of Thessaly, Post Industrial Design Master Program
- 12.30-12.45 Discussion
- 12.45 -13.45 Lunch Break
- 13.45-14.15 Presentation / Asli Kiyak Ingin, Can Altay / Istanbul Bilgi University Department of Industrial Design
- 14.15-15.30 Experiences of Craftsmen, Apprentices and Students / Masterpiece Beyoglu Project
- 15.30-15.45 Discussion
- 15.45-16.00 Coffee Break
- 16.00-17.30 ZET Forum
- 17.30-18.00 Conclusion and Recommendations

Part of the Masterpiece Beyoglu Project,
Hosted by Istanbul Bilgi University Department of Industrial Design
Is a Conference on Crafts, Education and Design